Thursday, March 04, 2010

Media Matters Daily Summary 03-04-10

Right-wing baselessly accuses Obama of "selling judgeships" for health care vote
Right-wing media figures have run with The Weekly Standard's John McCormack's completely baseless accusation that President Obama is buying Rep. Jim Matheson's (D-UT) vote on health care reform by appointing his brother, Scott Matheson, to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. McCormack provided no evidence to support the allegation -- which both Rep. Matheson and the White House have called "absurd" -- and even those pushing the charge acknowledge that Scott Matheson is "plenty qualified for the job." Read More

Matthews continues to allow Stupak to misinform about abortion funding in the Senate health care bill
MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews allowed Rep. Bart Stupak (D-PA) to again falsely claim that his health care bill amendment would "maintain current law," even though many people have told Matthews on Hardball that it goes beyond current law in restricting abortion funding.
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Right-wing media invent scandals to malign Dems
Right-wing media figures have recently concocted several baseless scandals in an attempt to portray Democrats as corrupt or guilty of wrongdoing. These include the suggestion that the Democratic leadership acted improperly after learning about sexual harassment allegations against Rep. Eric Massa, the baseless accusation that President Obama is "selling judgeships" for health care reform votes, and the false claim that Rep. Pete Stark has an "ethics scandal." Read More

Memo to right-wing media: Bush DOJ lawyers also represented terror suspects
Conservative media figures have recently attacked President Obama and the Department of Justice for employing lawyers who previously represented terror suspects or supported their legal arguments in their private practices. However, Bush administration lawyers also reportedly represented Guantánamo Bay detainees before working for the Justice Department. Read More

Witch hunt: Wash. Times calls another Obama judicial nominee "radical"
After declaring that Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor and Judges Edward Chen and David Hamilton were all "radical" judicial nominees, The Washington Times has turned its sights on Goodwin Liu, President Obama's nominee for the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, declaring that he, like the other Obama nominees, is a "radical" because of his views on constitutional "welfare" rights. In fact, Liu's views are in accordance with those of former Supreme Court justices like Thurgood Marshall and prominent legal scholars. Read More

Glenn Beck's Excellent Adventure
On both his Fox News program and his radio show, Glenn Beck has repeatedly likened himself to historical figures of note, including Socrates, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Benjamin Franklin. Read More

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