Tuesday, March 09, 2010

First Rush Hails Massa, Then He Disowns Him


According to Time's Mark Halperin, Rush Limbaugh abruptly turned his back on Eric Massa on his show today, calling the former Dem congressman "a legitimate kook" and "a loose canon."

This comes just a day after Limbaugh devoted a chunk of his show to promoting Massa and his allegation that Democratic leaders conspired to push him out of Congress.

Limbaugh pledged yesterday, "We're doing our part here to make it a national story." And he played multiple segments of Massa's Sunday radio monologue.

According to Halperin, Limbaugh said today: "Anybody who embraces this guy is going to get caught." And he also claimed that "This guy's name didn't even ring a bell."

As we reported earlier, Massa has gone off on Limbaugh in the past, once blasting him in a YouTube video as a "pompous coward."

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