Saturday, January 16, 2010

A New Book Explores the Educational and Social Benefits of Poker

Educational Games Research

Games are an important part of childhood development, and informal learning often takes place through a child’s game play. As children mature, the games they engage in and enjoy may get more complex, progressing from something like Candy Land to Checkers to Chess. The informal learning in these complex games increases as well, as do the social aspects.

Poker, whether played for chips, pennies, or serious money, is finding increased academic scrutiny as its continued popularity shows no sign of fading. James McManus, a writing and literature professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago who teaches a course on the literature of poker, has a new book on the game: Cowboys Full: The Story of Poker. A very nice adaptation/excerpt is printed in the Chronicle, and you can read it online here.

Rather than focusing on empirical studies surrounding the game, McManus is interested in what the literature of poker has to say. He’s fascinated with the game’s influence on powerful figures, including most of America’s past Presidents (Obama plays poker, too) and industrial figures such as Bill Gates..........

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