Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Filmmaker Behind ACORN Stings Arrested For Attempted Bugging Of Landrieu's Office


James O'Keefe, the young conservative filmmaker who was behind the undercover operations that led to the ACORN scandal last year, was arrested with three others for allegedly trying to bug the New Orleans office of Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) yesterday.

The FBI announced today the foursome have been charged with entering federal property under false pretenses for the purpose of committing a felony.

The affidavit alleges that the botched phone bugging began with two of the four men -- Joseph Basel and Robert Flanagan, both 24 -- entering Landrieu's office in downtown New Orleans in Village People-style construction worker garb, claiming they were telephone repairmen.

Each man was wearing blue denim pants, a blue work, shirt, a light fluorescent green vest, a tool belt, and carrying white, construction-style hard hat, when they allegedly asked a staffer to show them to the telephone closet.

O'Keefe, meanwhile, was already in the office, and he allegedly told the Landrieu staffer he was "waiting for someone to arrive." The affidavit alleges O'Keefe held up his cell phone to record Basel and Flanagan.........................

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