Saturday, January 09, 2010

Echoes of Denmark? Tea baggers send death threats to cartoonist


An award-winning California-based political cartoonist says he is receiving death threats over a 90-second animated film he created that teaches viewers "how to speak Tea Bag."

Mark Fiore compares his predicament to that of Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, whose cartoon depicting the prophet Mohamed caused rioting across the Muslim world several years ago, and an attempt on his life last week.

"Muslim extremist, meet Tea Party extremist. Tea Party extremist, meet Muslim extremist," Fiore writes on his blog.

Fiore's video, which appeared on NPR's Web site, causing outrage from some conservative commentators, offers a tongue-in-cheek 90-second lesson in speaking like a tea bagger.

"If you're having trouble understanding the words of others, use Tea Bag's stronger, more descriptive ways," the narrator suggests, to which a tea-bagger is seen responding: "Nazi! Nazi! Nazi!"........more...

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