Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Brown: Tea Party Movement? What Tea Party Movement?


State Sen. Scott Brown told reporters in Massachusetts today he was "unfamiliar" with the "Tea Party movement," despite earning the endorsement from one of the groups who is raising money for his campaign to win the U.S. Senate seat Tuesday.

According to the Boston Globe, Brown called himself a "Scott Brown Republican" that shouldn't be labeled conservative, liberal or moderate.

From the Globe piece:

"The allegation that I vote 96 percent of the time with Republicans is inaccurate, but I'm proud of the fact that I've stood up against out-of-control spending and taxation in Massachusetts," he said.

He also claimed that he was unfamiliar with the "Tea Party movement," when asked by a reporter.

As TPM has reported, the Tea Party Express endorsed Brown last week.

Early this morning Tea Party Express organizers asked for donations to help Brown:....................

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