Friday, May 16, 2008

Media Matters Daily Summary 05-16-08

Wash. Post ignored own prior reporting that Sec. Gates agrees U.S. should "sit down and talk" with Iran

The Washington Post reported that President Bush "compared people seeking talks with Iran and radical Islamic groups to the Nazis' appeasers" and noted that "Democratic leaders demanded that [Sen. John] McCain repudiate Bush's comments." The article reported that "McCain joined in on Bush's side" and quoted McCain as saying: "What does Senator Obama want to talk about with Ahmadinejad?" But the article did not note that, as the Post previously reported, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, like Obama, has said that the United States needs to be willing to "sit down and talk" with Iran. Read More

Cafferty said McCain "has been at odds with his own party for years" on immigration without noting his reversal on the issue
CNN's Jack Cafferty asserted that Sen. John McCain "has been at odds with his own party for years on issues like immigration, campaign finance reform, and global warming," without noting that McCain said on January 30 that he would no longer support his own comprehensive immigration reform bill if it came up for a vote in the Senate and now says that "we've got to secure the borders first." Read More

Exec. producer tells fishbowl DC that Meet the Press "would certainly be open" to interviewing Bob Barr
In a May 15 post to the blog fishbowl DC, editor Patrick W. Gavin reported that in response to his inquiry following up on a Media Matters for America item asking whether NBC Washington bureau chief Tim Russert would give Libertarian presidential candidate and former Republican congressman Bob Barr (GA) the same platform on Meet the Press that Russert gave Ralph Nader, Meet the Press executive producer Betsy Fischer asserted, "We would certainly be open to having Rep. Barr back on Meet the Press to discuss his candidacy." Read More

NBC's Williams touts Bush administration "milestone" in listing polar bears as "threatened," but doesn't note lawsuits forced its hand
On NBC's Nightly News, Brian Williams said that the Bush administration's decision to list polar bears as a threatened species was a "huge milestone." But neither he nor the Nightly News report on the subject mentioned that the "milestone" comes after environmental groups twice sued the administration to make a listing decision -- and just one day before a court-ordered deadline to make a final decision on the polar bear's status. Read More

Again ignoring numerous falsehoods, NY Times falsely suggested that only Clinton administration officials objected to ABC's Path to 9/11
A New York Times article stated, "In 2006 ABC made changes to 'The Path to 9/11' after complaints from former Clinton administration officials that it portrayed them as less than vigilant in their pursuit of Osama bin Laden." But the article did not note that, despite editing, the final version of the ABC miniseries still included several fabricated scenes, falsehoods, and sharp discrepancies between its account of certain events and the findings laid out in the 9-11 Commission's report. Read More

NBC's Lauer falsely suggested only "the far left" is concerned about Bush's alleged civil liberties violations
On Today, during an interview with former CIA agent Michael Sheehan about his new book, Matt Lauer said, "You say we've got to use more undercover agents, informants, wiretapping, email surveillance, the works. The sound you just heard, Michael, is the far left, grabbing for their remote controls, 'cause they say, you're going to do this, you're going to trample civil liberties." In fact, Americans across the political spectrum have denounced the Bush administration for alleged violations of civil liberties. Read More

Asserting that Obama "wants to talk to" Iran, CBS' Greenfield did not mention that Gates also advocates talking to Iran
While discussing President Bush's speech to the Israeli Knesset, in which Bush stated that "some seem to believe that we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals," Jeff Greenfield stated that "the number one fear in Israel and among some American Jews is Iran -- that's who Obama wants to talk to." However, Greenfield did not note that Defense Secretary Robert Gates reportedly stated that the United States should "sit down and talk with" Iran. Read More

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