Saturday, May 17, 2008

Is John McCain Bush's Poodle?

The Hill - Brent Budowsky

....What has earned McCain the right to the mantle of Bush's poodle is this:

Bush twists, distorts and misrepresents history and is the only president in our history to make low-road attacks on a political opponent while abroad. Reagan didn't do it; Ford didn't do it; George H.W. Bush didn't do it; Roosevelt and Truman didn't do it. Jack Kennedy didn't do it and even Richard Milhous Nixon never did this in his darkest days.

Bush did it, and John McCain was reduced to joining Bush on the low road to demeaning our politics, our democracy and the presidency.

John McCain should have known better, but when George Bush initiated one of the lowest moments of a low road presidency, John McCain could only say, "Me too," which makes him a serious contender for the title of Bush's poodle.

Barack Obama stands tall and presidential leading an army of Democrats firing back, while John McCain looks like another small Bush Republican in an age when America wants nothing more than Bush Republicanism to fade into the dustbin of history.

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