Sunday, April 13, 2008

Media Matters Daily Summary 04-13-08

Citing Gingrich, Halperin falsely suggested Obama's "[t]alk to your enemies" position includes support for meeting with Hamas
Discussing on ABC's This Week former President Jimmy Carter's planned meeting with a Hamas leader and the "two schools of thought about how America should deal in the world," Time magazine senior political analyst Mark Halperin -- citing former House Speaker Newt Gingrich -- said of Sen. Barack Obama: "Obama's position: Talk to your enemies." But Halperin did not mention that Obama has repeatedly said his willingness to meet with international adversaries "does not include Hamas."
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NY Times' Caucus blog reported McCain's criticism of Obama's "commitment" to public financing, but not that McCain may have violated public financing system's spending limits
The New York Times' political blog, The Caucus, reported that Sen. John McCain's campaign "believes" Sen. Barack Obama "reneged on his pledge to accept public financing," and that McCain's campaign "circulated an editorial ... that questioned Mr. Obama's commitment to the public financing system." However, The Caucus did not report that McCain may have violated campaign finance laws by surpassing spending limits under the public financing system for the primary campaign. Read More

Wash. Post's Balz reported McCain "again made clear his opposition to broad federal intervention or bailouts," ignored approval of Bear Stearns aid
A post on The Washington Post's political blog, The Trail, stated that John McCain "once again made clear his opposition to broad federal intervention or bailouts." But the post, by Dan Balz, did not note that McCain reportedly agreed with the Federal Reserve's decision to extend a $30 billion loan to facilitate JP Morgan Chase's acquisition of Bear Stearns. Read More

Wash. Post uncritically reported McCain adviser's assertion that McCain "has been seen as standing up to his party and fighting on issues" including "immigration"
A Washington Post article uncritically reported the claim by a senior adviser to Sen. John McCain that McCain "has been seen as standing up to his party and fighting on issues -- the war in Iraq and immigration -- that have damaged him politically." The Post did not report that McCain has reversed his position on immigration to more closely align himself with the Republican Party's base. Read More

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