Friday, April 04, 2008

Media Matters Daily Summary 04-04-08

CNN finally covers prep school student's question producing McCain's "awkward moment"
On April 3, CNN finally reported on Episcopal High School student Katelyn Halldorson's question challenging Sen. John McCain to clarify why he was visiting the school if not for political reasons. Media Matters for America previously noted that CNN and MSNBC had failed to report on Halldorson's question despite extensively covering questions posed to Chelsea Clinton about Monica Lewinsky. Read More

Scarborough, Cameron failed to challenge McCain's false suggestion that Obama only recently proposed a "strike force" in Iraq
On MSNBC, Joe Scarborough failed to challenge Sen. John McCain's false suggestion that Sen. Barack Obama has only "in the last few days" proposed that a "strike force" remain in Iraq after the U.S. withdraws troops. Similarly, on Fox News, Carl Cameron uncritically aired McCain's claim that Obama "has now said that he would keep a, quote, 'strike force' -- a, quote, 'strike force' -- in Iraq." In fact, as early as October 2007, Obama said he envisioned a U.S. military "strike force" either in the region or in Iraq for performing counter-terrorism operations. Read More

Fox News' Kelly repeated false claim that Dean criticized McCain for citing his military service
On America's Election HQ, Megyn Kelly repeatedly distorted comments by Howard Dean and falsely claimed that Dean charged that "McCain is out there touting his military experience and that there is something opportunistic about it." Several other Fox News hosts have similarly misrepresented Dean's comments. Read More

On Hannity & Colmes, Coulter again made Obama-Hitler comparison, said Clinton "would enjoy torturing" detainees
On Hannity & Colmes, Ann Coulter stated of Sen. Barack Obama: "He's a dime store Mein Kampf." Co-host Alan Colmes then asked if Obama "is a two-bit Hitler," to which Coulter responded, "[Y]es." Coulter also said of Sen. Hillary Clinton: "She's not obsessed with waterboarding and stopping waterboarding, and given the glint in her eye, I think she'd like torturing them." Read More

O'Reilly apparently still not relaxing "on all this gay stuff"
In a promotional ad for Bill O'Reilly's Fox News show, an announcer said, "Is the media celebrating gay culture? Inside Rosie's family cruise." O'Reilly has stated that "I think everybody's got to relax on all this gay stuff." Read More

With a wildly off-base prediction record, Morris said Hillary Clinton "might have some trouble ... getting re-elected senator from New York"
On The O'Reilly Factor, Dick Morris claimed that Hillary Clinton "might have some trouble, though, getting re-elected senator from New York, particularly if the blacks give her a primary fight." Morris has made previous predictions about Clinton that have proved wildly off the mark. Read More

O'Reilly on transgender man's pregnancy: "[I]magine a poor kid getting born into that family"
On the April 3 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, discussing pregnant transgender man Thomas Beatie, Bill O'Reilly said: "You imagine a poor kid getting born into that family going, 'Hey... whoa. Who are you today?' " Fox News contributor Bernard Goldberg responded: "That's the real tragedy." Think Progress noted O'Reilly's comments on its blog. Read More

CBS report on candidates' tendency to "exaggerate ... his or her record" ignored several McCain distortions of his record
During a CBS report purporting to discuss what "leads a candidate to exaggerate or be hyperbolic about his or her record," Time magazine's Joe Klein was quoted stating: "John McCain doesn't need to exaggerate his biography. It's a spectacular biography. But he does exaggerate the threat of Al Qaeda in Iraq." In fact, McCain's campaign has reportedly admitted McCain made at least one false claim about his "record," when he stated that "I'm the only one that said that Rumsfeld had to go." In reality, McCain never called for Rumsfeld's resignation. Further, he has admitted to making a false statement regarding Iran's involvement in training members of Al Qaeda and has repeatedly distorted the positions of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Read More

Limbaugh repeats assertion by Watergate committee counsel Zeifman that he "fired" Clinton -- an assertion reportedly contradicted by Zeifman himself
Rush Limbaugh asserted that Jerry Zeifman, former counsel to the House Judiciary Committee, was "the guy who fired" Sen. Hillary Clinton when she worked as an attorney on the committee, apparently basing his claim on an article that cites Zeifman. But Zeifman's reported claim is undermined by his own previous reported acknowledgement that he did not fire Clinton and did not have the power to do so. Read More

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