Thursday, April 03, 2008

Media Matters Daily Summary 04-03-08

Radio Factor guest host Tony Snow offered false and misleading attacks on Obama
Guest-hosting The Radio Factor, Tony Snow falsely claimed that "since he's been in the United States Senate, [Sen. Barack Obama] has voted present more often than any other member of the Senate." Snow also asserted that Obama "has described Jeremiah Wright as one of his key political advisers, and he said that he didn't make any key political decision without consulting him." In fact, Obama has stated that Wright "has never been my political advisor; he's been my pastor." Read More

Matthews touted questioning of Obama about Wright, but left out Obama's response: "I hear you say controversial things, Chris"
On MSNBC, Chris Matthews said that during an interview the previous day, he "prodded" Sen. Barack Obama on his relationship with Rev. Jeremiah Wright. But while Matthews touted his questioning of Obama, he did not provide Obama's response. After Obama told Matthews that he had "never heard [Wright] say those things that were in those clips," which he said the media "ran [] over and over and over again," Matthews continued: "But you did say you heard him say controversial things." Obama responded, "Well, but I hear you say controversial things, Chris." Read More

Despite having to correct Ross' false claim that McCain has released tax returns, ABC still ignored McCain in report musing about Clinton tax returns
On ABC's Good Morning America, Brian Ross asserted that Sen. Hillary Clinton's "delay" in releasing tax returns "has raised a lot of questions," including "whether they paid their taxes like average Americans, or like the super-rich they have become." At no point during the segment did anyone, including Ross, who has falsely asserted that Sen. John McCain released his tax returns, question McCain's "delay." Read More

Stengel claimed Obama should tout opportunities he's had in U.S. that he would not have had elsewhere -- but he does
On Morning Joe, Time's Rick Stengel claimed that Sen. Barack Obama "has to say it's a new paradigm of patriotism, it's a kind of post-identity politics patriotism, where, 'I wouldn't have had the opportunities I've had anywhere else in the world. .... And the qualities that make America what America is, what makes America great, is the reason that I've been able to be so successful.' " But Obama has said precisely that. Read More

Scarborough claimed McCain's "3 a.m." ad would "probably work," but didn't note that its key assertion is false
Responding to an ad by John McCain's campaign, which asserts that in response to "home foreclosures mounting, markets teetering," "[Hillary] Clinton and Barack Obama just said they'd solve the problem by raising your taxes -- more money out of your pocket," Joe Scarborough said the ad would "probably work." But Scarborough didn't note that the ad's central claim is false: Neither Clinton nor Obama has asserted that she or he would respond to "home foreclosures rising" by raising taxes. Read More

Following pattern in the media, CNN's King uncritically repeated McCain campaign's false attacks on Democrats
On The Situation Room, John King uncritically reported that "[i]n a statement, a McCain spokesman took a shot at the other party, saying, 'Americans can't afford the Democrats' liberal agenda to raise taxes, nationalize health care, cut off trade, and crush the economy under big government.' " Following what has become a pattern in the media, King failed to note the significant falsehoods and misleading claims in McCain's statement and simply read it without challenge. Read More

CBS report on "mind-numbing" national debt made no mention of Republican-led Congress' years of deficit spending on Bush tax cuts, Iraq
A CBS Evening News report on the national debt, the current level of which both anchor Katie Couric and correspondent Anthony Mason described as "mind-numbing," failed to quote a single Democrat and did not point out the extent to which deficit spending by Republican-led Congresses has contributed to the debt. Read More

Fineman stated that McCain said he is "with Bush on the war, but only the war" -- but McCain is "with Bush" on other issues
On Hardball, Newsweek's Howard Fineman stated that, in his foreign policy speech, Sen. John McCain said, "I want to adopt the Democratic view of the need for diplomacy and alliances, and even the one that predated George W. Bush. ... I'm with Bush on the war, but only the war." However, McCain is also "with Bush" on a number of other issues, notably taxes, Social Security, and missile defense. Read More

Coulter: Obama's memoir is "Dimestore 'Mein Kampf' "
In a syndicated column titled "Obama's Dimestore 'Mein Kampf,'" Ann Coulter wrote that Sen. Barack Obama's 1995 memoir, Dreams from My Father, "reveals Obama to be a flabbergasting lunatic," adding: "If only people had read 'Mein Kampf' ..." Read More

Faulting Dems for "twist[ing]" McCain's "hundred" years comment from NH event, Wash. Post's "fact checker" Dobbs ignored McCain's evasions at same event
A Washington Post "Fact Checker" item accused Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton of "twist[ing]" Sen. John McCain's "words by claiming that he 'wants' to fight a 100-year war." But the "fact check" did not note that, during the same event, McCain repeatedly avoided directly answering how many years he would be willing to fight a war in Iraq if Americans are "being injured or harmed or wounded or killed." Read More

MSNBC, CBS political blogs note McCain's schedule for MLK anniversary, but fail to report prior opposition to MLK holiday
Blogs on and noted that Sen. John McCain planned to honor Martin Luther King Jr. in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4, the 40th anniversary of King's death. However, neither reported that in 1983, McCain voted against establishing a holiday honoring King. Read More

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