Friday, April 04, 2008

Hillary Clinton Unable To Recognize The Truth Anymore.

by Aaron Bruns

An hour after Senator Clinton seemed to deny telling NM Gov Bill Richardson that Barack Obama couldn't win the general election in November, a spokesman backtracked - telling reporters who'd been at the press conference that she misheard the question.

Asked at her media availability today whether or not she told Governor Bill Richardson that Obama can't win in November - as reported by ABC News - Clinton said she wouldn't talk about private conversations, then launched into an answer on why she feels she can win.

When the reporter followed up by asking "so that's a no?" Clinton said "That's a no."

While reporters interpreted that response as an answer to the original, direct question on her alleged comments, her campaign now says she thought she'd been asked whether she would give an answer or not. Spokesman Mo Elleithee says Clinton told him that her "no" meant she was continuing to refusing comment on that private conversation with Richardson.

Watch the video here and decide for yourself what she meant

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