Friday, April 04, 2008

Hillary Clinton suffered a blow Thursday

NBC News Channel

In the race for the White House, Barack Obama got a boost and Hillary Clinton suffered a blow Thursday from the nation's top ranking democrat, House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi.

Pelosi said that her party's super delegates must not overturn the democrat's popular vote.

Pelosi's been dropping hints about how she and her fellow super delegates ought to vote.

On Thursday she made it crystal clear.

Which is bad news for Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton still hopes to pass Barack Obama and win the most democratic primary votes.

But she says she deserves the votes of super delegates even if she falls short.

Clinton said, "The whole point is for delegates, however they are chosen, to really ask themselves who would be the best president and who would be our best nominee against Senator McCain."

Should the nearly 800 super delegates, who'll cast the key votes at the democratic convention, decide based on electability, experience,
Who won their state or vote their personal preference?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, "You're not asking me but I’m telling you."

The answer, said house speaker Nancy Pelosi Thursday, is none of the above. It's who wins the national popular vote.

"It will do great harm to the democratic party if it is perceived that the super delegates overturn the will of the people," said Pelosi.

So far Barack Obama's won some 13 million four hundred thousand popular votes.

Clinton just over 12 million 7 hundred thousand.

And Obama says that's what should matter.

"Most of the super delegates who have not yet have decided I think will recognize we've earned this nomination," said Obama

Obama's getting the contributions he needs to keep his lead. His March number's out: 40 million dollars.

Clinton's March number is twenty million dollars.

But she vows to fight on, with less money and, so far, less of the primary season democratic vote.

The popular vote that the nation's top democrat speaker Nancy Pelosi now insists the democratic nominee must win.

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