Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bloomberg Excited To Elect An 'Adult' President

NEW YORK (AP) ― Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has decided against his own White House run, said Thursday that his endorsement will go to the most straight-talking candidate, adding that "at least we'll have an adult in office who can lead and can accomplish something."

Bloomberg, a Democrat-turned-Republican-turned-independent, later ducked a question about whether he was taking a shot at President Bush, and cracked a joke instead.

"He's not a candidate for office. There's a Constitutional provision that prevents him from running for a third term, and last I checked, he wasn't trying to change it, nor was anybody advocating that it gets changed, as far as I know," Bloomberg said.

The billionaire mayor made the comment during a question-and-answer session with his political pal, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, at an annual luncheon he hosts to discuss his political agenda.

In making a decision about whom to endorse, Bloomberg said he is not trying to decide which one of the three matches up with him ideologically, but wants to know which one is "willing to face reality and say 'We can't have everything, and there are costs and we've got to make choices."'

"Some of the things they'll be in favor of, I'll agree with, some of the things they'll be in favor of, I won't, but at least we'll have an adult in office who can lead and can accomplish something," he said.

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