Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Biden: McCain would put urgent global issues on back burner

WASHINGTON - Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joe Biden says Republican Sen. John McCain would continue President Bush's practice of pursuing the war in Iraq at the expense of other urgent global issues.

"When it comes to Iraq, there is no daylight between John McCain and George W. Bush. They are joined at the hip," Biden said Tuesday in a speech at Georgetown University.

"When it comes to Iraq, there will be no change with a McCain administration ... and so there is a real and profound choice for Americans in November."

McCain, the certain Republican presidential nominee, backs Bush's policy in Iraq and favored last year's increase in U.S. troops in the country.

"John McCain remains wedded to the Bush administration's myopic view of a world defined by terrorism. He would continue to allow a tiny minority to set the agenda for the overwhelming majority," Biden said.

"It is time for a total change in Washington's world view. That will require more than a great soldier. It will require a wise leader."

Asked whether Biden was right, McCain argued anew that he spent four years before the troop influx pressing for more forces, and he said the right strategy is now in place.

"I'm always pleased to get Senator Biden's advice and counsel," McCain told reporters in Pennsylvania. But, McCain said: "The present strategy is succeeding in Iraq and I respect the view of those who don't agree."........

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