Sunday, March 02, 2008

Why worry about FISA? For $110 you can spy on anyone

The most invasive $110 anyone will ever spend

This is huge. Beyond huge: Anyone can buy a list of your incoming and outgoing phone calls, cell or land-line, for $110 online.

The bombshell was reported in a Chicago Sun-Times story. Aravosis decided to try it out:

In a nutshell, the Chicago Sun-Times ran a story two days ago about a Web site that sells phone records, for cells and land-lines, for $110 a pop. The company boasts on its own Web site:

Give us the cell phone number and we will send you the calls made from the cell phone number.

So I went to their site, plopped down $110, and within a day I had a list of every single phone number that called my cell, or that I called from my cell, for the month of November. I even had the dates the calls were made, and for a premium I could find out how long the calls were.

Journalists, politicians, businessmen, abused spouses, law enforcement, and everyone frickin' else -- your business is now everyone else's business for the low, low price of $110.

Not only must this be plugged immediately, and this service shut down, but whoever is giving this company these phone records must pay. A lot.........

1 comment:

  1. While not an urban legend, this information is more than three years old, as any search of the net will show. In fact, the supposed Sun-Times story dates to early 2006 and has since expired.

    Here's one of many sites that discuss the issue, this one from 2005
