Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Today's McCain Myth: John McCain offers new ideas instead of more of the same on the issues voters care most about: the economy, Iraq, and health care

Washington, DC -- On the campaign trail, John McCain has tried to paint himself as an Independent "maverick" who has broken ranks with the Republican Party on a number of occasions. But his record reveals that on issue after issue, a vote for McCain is a vote for a continuation of the same failed Bush policies that have been disastrous for America.

When it comes to economic issues, McCain has pledged to make Bush's budget-busting tax cuts for the wealthy permanent, refused to denounce Bush's threat to veto a bill that would help families and communities affected by the mortgage crisis, supported Bush's veto of children's health care and has promised to revive President Bush's failed plan to privatize social security. McCain has also marched in lockstep with President Bush on the war in Iraq from the start and now talks about keeping our troops there for 100 years. [AP, 2/6/08;, 2/6/08; Congressional Quarterly Today, 2/27/2008; Senate Vote #307, 8/2/07; Wall Street Journal, 3/3/08; McCain Derry, NH townhall meeting , 1/3/08; , 1/3/08 ]

No longer a maverick, today the transformation to establishment candidate is complete.

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