Saturday, March 08, 2008

Media Matters Daily Summary

Coulter back on MSNBC -- "think[s] it's funny" to refer to Obama's middle name
In an appearance on MSNBC, right-wing pundit Ann Coulter again referred to Sen. Barack Obama as "B. Hussein Obama." When asked by host Amy Robach, "Why don't you like to say "Barack Obama"? Coulter replied, "Because I think it's funny. I mean, it wouldn't be -- this hysteria from the Democrats about how you can't call him by his middle name. ... Of course there's a reason we call him that." Read More

Joe Klein falsely suggested Obama's focus on patriotism is new
In his Time column, Joe Klein claimed that Sen. Barack Obama is aware of the "potential problem" of his "patriotism," as "patriotism replaced hope as a theme of his [March 4] concession speech [in Texas]." As evidence, Klein wrote that Obama "echoed John McCain in citing Abraham Lincoln, and called America 'the last best hope on Earth.' " Klein then falsely claimed: "That was the only 'hope' he mentioned -- a fascinating calibration." In fact, Obama mentioned "hope" at other points in the speech, and he has repeatedly used Lincoln's "the last best hope on Earth" line during his presidential campaign. Read More

Despite reporting to contrary, CNN reported Obama got property "at a very discounted price"
CNN's Susan Roesgen repeated the assertion that Sen. Barack Obama purchased "a piece of property" "at a very discounted price." In fact, the people from whom Obama bought his house reportedly said that his was "the best offer." Read More

Fox News' Special Report touted McCain accomplishment in not losing his temper at Florida event
On Special Report, Brit Hume aired a report by Carl Cameron about Sen. John McCain keeping his temper in check when the microphone did not work during a donor's conference in Florida and later when he was hit on the head by a TV camera. At the end of the report, Cameron stated: "McCain makes no bones about blowing his stack occasionally and having a temper. A campaign has the capacity to test the temperament and character of a candidate. If today was a pop quiz, you got to say McCain passed." Hume replied: "Yeah, with flying colors I'd say, under the circumstances." Read More

Discussing Clinton's tax returns, MSNBC's Buchanan did not note that McCain has not released his returns
On MSNBC, while saying that Sen. Hillary Clinton should release her tax returns, Pat Buchanan asserted, "[L]ook, there's an awful lot of money that those two made, and they want to see where the money came from, especially where Bill's income came from if they filed a joint return," adding, "And I think Republicans will demand it." However, Buchanan did not note that Sen. John McCain also has not released his tax returns. Read More

AP failed to note McCain's reversal on immigration, rapprochement with religious right, lobbyists in his campaign
The Associated Press reported that Sen. John McCain's "support for an eventual path to citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants angered conservative Republicans" and that "[m]any GOP conservatives still don't trust him, citing his positions on issues such as immigration, campaign finance and global warming, as well as his feud with the religious right." But the AP did not note that McCain now says "we've got to secure the borders first" -- a position at odds with his prior assertion that border security could not be disaggregated from other aspects of comprehensive immigration reform without being rendered ineffective -- and recently said he would not vote for the very legislation on which he worked if it came to a vote in the Senate. Read More

Brzezinski cherry-picked polling to assert "McCain's crossover appeal is apparently even greater than" Obama's
Citing a Pew Research poll, MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski asserted that "John McCain's crossover appeal is apparently even greater than Barack Obama's." However, polling has differed on the question of whether McCain or Obama would have greater "crossover appeal" -- appeal to members of the opposite party -- and two polls more recent than the Pew poll Brzezinski cited found that Obama received greater "crossover" support. Read More

Imus: Clinton's election to Senate due to "her fat, stupid husband ... getting BJs ... in the Oval Office"
On Imus in the Morning, Don Imus asserted that Sen. Hillary Clinton won her campaign for a U.S. Senate seat due to "a sympathy vote," adding, "She came here, everybody felt sorry for her 'cause her fat ..." At that point, Alan Colmes interjected, asking, "[W]hy did she get re-elected?" Imus continued: "'Cause her fat, stupid husband was getting BJs from the poor little intern there in the Oval Office." Read More

Baier falsely described Senate-passed FISA amendments bill as "surveillance reauthorization"
Fox News' Bret Baier reported that "in recent days ... Republicans have tried to link surveillance reauthorization to almost every" piece of legislation House Democrats have tried to pass. In fact, the authority to conduct "surveillance" does not need "reauthorization"; the government currently has the authority to eavesdrop on the communications of suspected terrorists primarily through the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Read More

NY Times understated Inhofe's views on global warming
In an article discussing potentially competitive 2008 Senate elections, The New York Times understated Sen. James Infohe's views on global warming, reporting that Inhofe "has said that its effects are exaggerated." In fact, Inhofe has repeatedly referred to global warming as the "greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people" and reportedly compared Al Gore's global warming documentary to Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf. Read More

In Wash. Post essay, Charlotte Allen's purported "evidence" that women are the "dumber sex" doesn't hold up
In an essay that appeared in The Washington Post's Sunday Outlook section, Charlotte Allen claimed or suggested that women are the "weaker sex," the "stupid sex," the "dumber sex," and "inferior[]." To make her argument, Allen offered contradictions, factual inaccuracies, faulty logic, and "evidence" that does not, in fact, support the notion that women are "dumber." Read More

Chicago Tribune's Kass affirmed Beck's baseless and false claims about Obama
Chicago Tribune columnist John Kass sat by as Glenn Beck repeated a baseless claim in Kass' column and added a falsehood of his own regarding Barack Obama's house purchase in Chicago. Beck repeated Kass' claim that Obama received "a $300,000 discount" on the purchase of his Chicago home and falsely asserted that indicted businessman Antoin Rezko "bought the property next door at $300,000 more." Kass did not dispute either assertion. Read More

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