Monday, March 03, 2008

Media Matters Daily Summary 03-03-08

Ignoring flip-flops, Reuters asserted McCain "faced a revolt among some conservatives unhappy with his past stances on immigration, tax cuts"
Reuters' John Whitesides wrote that Sen. John McCain "has faced a revolt among some conservatives unhappy with his past stances on immigration, tax cuts and campaign finance reform, although it has done little to slow his march to the nomination." But, in fact, on immigration and taxes, McCain reversed his positions to more closely align himself with the base of the Republican Party. Read More

Wash. Post repeats McCain's falsehood-laden attacks on Obama
Reporting on Sen. Barack Obama's foreign-policy positions, The Washington Post repeated Sen. John McCain's false assertion that Obama "misspell[ed] 'flak jacket,' " uncritically referenced McCain's false assertion that Obama said that Al Qaeda is not currently in Iraq, and ignored the fact that McCain has made comments similar to those he criticized Obama for making about Iraq becoming a base for Al Qaeda. Read More

Drudge headline distorted Clinton comments to suggest she said "Obama Not Muslim 'As Far As I Know' ... "
A Drudge Report headline linking to a 60 Minutes interview of Sen. Hillary Clinton read, "Hillary: Obama Not Muslim 'As Far As I Know' ...," falsely suggesting that Clinton characterized the issue of Sen. Barack Obama's religion as unresolved. In fact, she did the opposite. Read More

Despite reporting to the contrary, Wash. Times claimed Obama received "a discount" on his house
A Washington Times article asserted that Sen. Barack Obama "received a discount for purchasing [his] home, and Mr. [Antoin] Rezko bought the lot next door." The article did not cite any evidence that Obama "received a discount," and Bloomberg News has reported that "[t]he couple who sold Barack Obama his Chicago home said the Illinois senator's $1.65 million bid 'was the best offer' and they didn't cut their asking price because a campaign donor bought their adjacent land, according to e-mails between Obama's presidential campaign and the seller." Read More

After repeatedly asking Obama about Farrakhan during debate, Russert ignored guest's reference to Hagee's endorsement of McCain on Meet the Press
On Meet the Press, host Tim Russert ignored Republican strategist Mike Murphy's reference to Sen. John McCain's acceptance of an endorsement by evangelist John Hagee. Russert did not identify Hagee by name or mention Hagee's statements denouncing or disparaging homosexuality, Islam, Catholics, and women. By contrast, during the last Democratic debate, Russert persisted with questions to Sen. Barack Obama about Louis Farrakhan's support of Obama, despite Obama's repeated denunciations of Farrakhan's statements. Read More

Notwithstanding Obama's consistent support for Israel, Rove suggests that as president, Obama may withdraw funding for Israel
On Fox News Sunday, in discussing Sen. Barack Obama's statement that money being spent on the war in Iraq "is money that we could be spending here in the United States, rebuilding our infrastructure, building schools, sending kids to university," Karl Rove quoted a "Democrat" he said he had spoken to in Los Angeles as saying, "I'm worried about that, because does that mean he's going to be looking at our support, for example, for the state of Israel and looking at it in terms of what could we be doing at home with those dollars?" However, Obama has consistently supported aid to Israel. Read More

Limbaugh said Obama "look[ed] like Ayman Zawahiri" in photo, described Michelle Obama comments as "womb-to-womb frontal attack on Hillary Clinton"
On The O'Reilly Factor, Rush Limbaugh said, referring to a photograph of Sen. Barack Obama dressed in traditional Somali clothing, "I think that Michelle Obama is seething over the attacks that the Clintons have made against her husband with that photo with, you know, Obama looking like [Osama bin Laden's chief collaborator] Ayman [al-]Zawahiri, all of this talk about his middle name and so forth." In fact, Hillary Clinton has denied any knowledge of the photo's release and said, "[T]hat's not the kind of behavior that I condone or expect from the people working in my campaign." Limbaugh added that Mrs. Obama responded "with a womb-to-womb frontal attack on Hillary Clinton." Read More

Fox's Shively falsely suggested Obama has been a Christian for only "two decades now"
Fox News correspondent Caroline Shively asserted that "[Sen. Barack] Obama says 'Enough already. There's nothing wrong with being a Muslim, but I have been a Christian for two decades now." In fact, Obama has said that he has "always been a Christian," and has also repeatedly stated that he has never been a Muslim or ever practiced Islam. Read More

Russert falsely attributed "epitomized greatness" quote to Rev. Wright
During the February 26 Democratic presidential debate, Tim Russert falsely claimed that Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the former pastor of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ, which Sen. Barack Obama attends, "said that Louis Farrakhan 'epitomizes greatness.' " Read More

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