Tuesday, March 18, 2008

McCain Imprisoned in the Baghdad Budget Inn!

US Headlines

In a terrible twist of fate, Arid Zona Senator, John "Son of Cain" McCain on a campaign trip to Iraq has been captured by insurgents and imprisoned in the cruelest hellhole next to US POW camp, Abu Graib.

Everyone knows the sad story of Vietnam War Navy Pilot McCain and the horrendous five years he spent suffering unthinkable tortures in the infamous Hanoi Hilton. Who could have dreamt that now that the Hilton family actually runs a Hilton Hotel in Hanoi, McCain would undergo these same indignities in a low-priced dive in Baghdad?

Al Qaida in Iraq, a franchise of the multi-national corporation that has brought us terrorist attacks all over the world announced its responsibility in the capture.

Al Qaida in Iraq spokesperson, Al Qaida claimed that McCain's declaration of an One Hundred Years War on anti-American Iraq is the reason for his incarceration: "Honestly, we received orders from unnamed persons in the USA who could not bear the thought of a 171 year old President McCain."


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