Thursday, March 06, 2008

McCain Amendment Lays Groundwork for Outsourcing Production of American Military Equipment

Kansas Democratic Party

Yesterday, John McCain defended the Air Force decision to overlook Wichita-based Boeing Co. for a $35 billion contract to build airborne refueling planes, saying he would not work to overturn the decision and saying that military decisions should not be about creating jobs. [McCain Town Hall Meeting, Waco TX, 3/3/08; AP, 3/3/08] Unfortunately for American workers, McCain has the record to back his statement up.

In 2003, Sen. McCain authored an amendment undermining “Buy American” rules requiring U.S. military equipment, defense systems and components to be manufactured in the United States. By allowing the Department of Defense to purchase American military equipment from foreign companies, the McCain amendment laid the groundwork for the Air Force’s decision to outsource the production of refueling tankers for the American military. The amendment passed along party lines with Kansas Senators Roberts and Brownback voting in its favor. [Vote 191, 5/21/03]

“In more than one nationally televised debate, we’ve heard John McCain admit he doesn’t understand the economy,” said Kansas Democratic Party Chair Larry Gates. “Now he has made it abundantly clear that, if President, he would be indifferent to the outsourcing of American jobs, even at a time when our families and our nation’s economy are hurting the most.”

Had Boeing been selected for the contract, it would have created 44,000 jobs across the United States, including an estimated 3,800 jobs in Kansas, and added $145 million a year to the Kansas economy.

“McCain’s refusal to question the Air Force’s decision gives us a glimpse into the kind of economic policy we can expect from a McCain presidency.” said Kansas Democratic Party Executive Director Mike Gaughan. “His track record clearly demonstrates a lack of commitment to investing in the American economy. In fact, the only economic plan we’ve heard from John McCain so far is making George W. Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthy permanent in 2010.”

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