Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hillary repeats call to bring home troops

Philadelphia Daily News

U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton used City Hall yesterday as the backdrop to renew her call to change tactics and withdraw troops from Iraq, saying money spent on the war could be better used to help the national mortgage crisis and this week's shutdown of part of Interstate 95 here. Clinton, D-N.Y., was joined by former CIA agent Valerie Plame and former U.S. Ambassador Joseph Wilson. Plame's undercover identity was leaked to reporters by Bush administration staffers after her husband criticized the war in Iraq.

Clinton's speech, coming a day before the fifth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, was designed to deal with repeated attacks by her rival for the Democratic nomination for president, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., on her 2002 vote to authorize the president to go to war.....

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