Thursday, March 06, 2008

ABC News Runs Defense For Puppy Killer

Prison Planet

ABC News has weighed in on the shameful puppy killing video controversy - by running defense for the perpetrators and claiming that hurling the defenseless animal off a cliff was "a way of coping" with a stressful situation for the Marines involved.

The report canvasses psychologists who agree that killing puppies is a logical response to coping with "oppressive surroundings."

Recall that when Osama bin Laden was killing dogs, a propaganda tape that the U.S. media went gaga over ad infinitum, it was an insight into pure evil, but when our boys do it, then it's just to blow off some steam.

Of course there is no mention within the ABC report of the scores of other examples of troops and mercenaries in Iraq killing dogs, blowing up kittens, torturing kids, raping kids, randomly gunning down civilians on highways and beating innocent civilians to death at internment camps like Abu Ghraib.

The fact that such behavior is endemic proves that the cause is more than some professed psychological hang up about a stressful environment.

Do the Marines in the video look stressed or do they look like they are having a good time tossing a puppy to its death?

The root cause is simple - we have a government that says it's OK to torture people, never mind animals.............

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