Tuesday, February 26, 2008


We're a coalition of NON-AMERICAN supporters of Barack Obama

The global community is increasingly interdependent and the next US President will make decisions that that affect us all. Whether you live in Brighton, Baghdad, Buenos Aires or Bangkok, this matters.

We cannot vote in the 2008 US elections, but if we could we’d back Obama. Why? Because we want an America that lives up to the principles it preaches, listens rather than lectures, conserves rather than consumes, makes peace rather than war and uses its influence positively in the world.

We're not saying Obama is perfect but he is the first Presidential candidate in a long time who seems genuinely willing to listen to the world and take courageous action to work towards a just, peaceful, and sustainable planet - which will be good for Americans and the rest of us. With that kind of President in the White House, Americans will be able to hold their heads up high when they visit our countries and won't need to pretend they are Canadians!

Help us to build a global movement to show America that there are millions of people around the globe that back Obama. This site collects together some of the evidence of his international support for Obama and provides resources to help global citizen's assess him. You can share your views and contribute to this campaign through our Facebook group (you can view this even if your not signed on to FB), or by emailing us.

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