Saturday, February 09, 2008

Tell Congress: Reject Bush's Cuts to Public Broadcasting Budget

This week brought the news that once again, President Bush has proposed deep budget cuts for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), which supports public stations across the country. In previous years, Congress has heard overwhelmingly from their constituents and restored this funding; can we count on you to chime in again this year and save public broadcasting?

If this seems to you like dejá vu all over again, you're not alone. This is the eighth straight year that Bush has tried to de-fund public broadcasting, but this year the proposed cuts are the deepest ever. Even Patricia Harrison, a former co-chairwoman of the Republican National Committee who now serves as the President of CPB, has called these cuts "draconian."

More and more, the free press that is so essential to our democracy is controlled by a shrinking number of mega-corporations. Never has it been more essential to have a publicly funded, noncommercial media outlet that provides thoughtful rather than partisan news and won't waste our time covering Britney Spears and the baseball steroids scandal.

Please sign our petition to your senators and representative to save the PBS budget.

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