Friday, February 08, 2008

Media Matters Daily Summary 02-08-08

Olbermann named Dobbs "Worst Person" for saying ADL is "a joke"
On MSNBC's Countdown, Keith Olbermann named CNN host Lou Dobbs the "winner" of his "Worst Person in the World" segment for calling the Anti-Defamation League a "joke," as Media Matters for America documented. Read More

MSNBC's Shuster falsely claimed he said "Americans should be proud of" Chelsea Clinton before his "pimped out" comment
Addressing a remark he made about Chelsea Clinton's work on her mother's campaign -- "doesn't it seem like Chelsea's sort of being pimped out in some weird sort of way" -- MSNBC's David Shuster stated that "last night, I used a phrase -- some slang about her efforts. ... [T]o the extent that people feel I was being pejorative, I apologize for that. I should have seen that people might view it that way, and for that, then I'm sorry." However, Shuster never mentioned the specific "slang" he used in reference to Chelsea Clinton's campaign work, and he falsely claimed that, during the same segment in which he referred to her "being pimped out," he said "Americans should be proud of [Chelsea]" and that "everybody, all of us, love" her. Read More

What makes a "liberal"? National Journal says: support for 9-11 Commission recommendations, health care for more kids, and stem-cell research funding
Among the "liberal" votes Sen. Barack Obama took that purportedly earned him "the most liberal senator in 2007" label in the National Journal's "2007 Vote Ratings" were: to implement the 9-11 Commission's homeland security recommendations, provide more children with health insurance, permit federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research, and maintain a federal minimum wage. Read More

Despite reversal, NY Times claimed McCain's advocacy for border security first is not a "change[]" in "his basic position"
A New York Times article about Sen. John McCain's speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference asserted that on the issue of immigration, McCain "has not changed his basic position." Similarly, National Public Radio's Mara Liasson stated, "McCain hasn't changed his position on providing illegal aliens with a pathway to citizenship, but he now has a new approach: secure the border first." In fact, McCain's current support for securing the border first represents a reversal of his prior position. Read More

NY Post editorial falsely asserted that Kerry "borrow[ed]" money from his wife for presidential campaign
In an editorial on Sen. Hillary Clinton's recent $5 million loan to her presidential campaign, the New York Post falsely asserted that, in 2004, John Kerry "borrow[ed] millions from his wife" to finance his presidential candidacy. In fact, Kerry did not "borrow[] millions" from Teresa Heinz Kerry; doing so would have been a violation of federal law. Read More

NBC News president: Shuster suspended for Chelsea Clinton comments
NBC News President Steve Capus sent the following statement to Media Matters for America: Read More

Ignoring McCain's immigration flip-flop, Fox's Carlson doubts "straight-talk guy" would "change his opinion"
During the February 8 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends, Geraldo Rivera, host of Fox News' Geraldo at Large, asserted that Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain (AZ) discussed illegal immigration at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) "because ... this is a real man" who "faces these issues foursquare." Fox & Friends co-host Gretchen Carlson went on to say, "It's a tough call for him, 'cause he's a straight-talk guy. I don't think he'll change his opinion." In fact, McCain's current support for securing the border first represents a reversal of his prior position that border security "must be accompanied by immigration reforms" such as a temporary worker program. Read More

After viewing Rove's erroneous analysis, Wallace touted Rove's "level of analysis"
On Fox & Friends, Chris Wallace said of Karl Rove's performance as a Fox News contributor: "[I]t's humbling, because it makes you realize that these real political professionals have a level of analysis and see things in the returns that we don't even understand. And his ability to crunch those numbers and project delegates and see things from the exit polls about what it told us about strengths and weaknesses." But neither Wallace nor any of the Fox & Friends co-hosts mentioned Rove's history of flawed political predictions and analysis, including his false claim the previous night that John McCain "is beating [Barack] Obama and beating [Hillary] Clinton." Read More

Shuster responds to firestorm over his Chelsea Clinton comments
On the February 8 edition of MSNBC's Tucker, correspondent David Shuster addressed earlier comments he made about Chelsea Clinton, for which he was suspended by NBC. Read More

National Journal's Hotline falsely claimed Clinton "had to borrow funds from her husband"
In reporting on Sen. Hillary Clinton's $5 million loan to her presidential campaign, National Journal's Hotline On Call claimed that "Clinton had to borrow funds from her husband, former President Bill Clinton." In fact, Sen. Clinton has said that the loan was "my money," and, indeed, it would be illegal for her to use assets belonging solely to her husband to fund her presidential campaign. Hotline On Call also claimed that Sen. Barack Obama was asked about "what it meant that Clinton had to borrow funds from her husband," but there is no evidence that Obama was asked that question or that he remarked on her purportedly having "borrow[ed] funds from her husband." Read More

Media figures call Obama supporters' behavior "creepy," compare them to Hare Krishna and Manson followers
In recent days, numerous media figures have likened Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama's (IL) supporters to members of a cult, and several have described his supporters' enthusiasm as "creepy." For instance: Read More

On Today, Coulter falsely asserted Clinton "has not denounced the Swift Boat veterans"; referred to "girl president"
On Today, Ann Coulter falsely claimed Sen. Hillary Clinton "has not denounced the Swift Boat veterans as dishonorable and dishonest." But during the 2004 presidential race, Clinton said the ads were "not only unfair, they're flat out wrong." Coulter also said, "I think Hillary wouldn't want to be the girl president who snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in Iraq, and we are winning now." Read More

CNN contributor Bennett's donation to McCain not disclosed during discussion of senator
On The Situation Room, Bill Bennett defended Sen. John McCain against criticism he has received from radio host Laura Ingraham and other conservatives. But Bennett and host Wolf Blitzer both failed to disclose that Bennett has given more than $2,000 to McCain's presidential campaign. Read More

Coulter: Obama's "first big accomplishment" was "being born half-black. ... He wouldn't be running for president if he weren't half-black"
During a speech to the Young America's Foundation, right-wing pundit Ann Coulter said of Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, "Barack's really been kind of coasting on his record, since his first big accomplishment of being born half-black. ... He wouldn't be running for president if he weren't half-black." Read More

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