Sunday, February 03, 2008

Media Matters Daily Summary 02-03-08

Scarborough again denies Rove's role as Novak source in Plame leak
In again refusing to acknowledge that former White House senior political adviser Karl Rove was involved in leaking the identity of former CIA operative Valerie Plame to conservative columnist Robert D. Novak, MSNBC's Joe Scarborough falsely suggested that Rove was not a source for Novak. Read More

Kristol: "White women are a problem, that's, you know -- we all live with that"
On the February 3 edition of Fox Broadcasting Co.'s Fox News Sunday, panelist and New York Times columnist Bill Kristol said the only people supporting Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's (D-NY) presidential campaign "are the Democratic establishment and white women." Kristol then asserted that "it would be crazy for the Democratic Party to follow an establishment that's led it to defeat year after year," and added, "White women are a problem, that's, you know -- we all live with that." After fellow panelist Brit Hume responded, "Bill, for the record, I like white women," Kristol said, "I know, I shouldn't have said that." Read More

Echoing McCain talking point, Chris Wallace asked Clinton: "[W]hy are you so determined to declare defeat" in Iraq?
While discussing the war in Iraq with Sen. Hillary Clinton on Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace echoed Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain by asking Clinton, "[W]hy are you so determined to declare defeat?" McCain has repeatedly referred to Clinton's and other Democrats' proposals on Iraq as "surrender." Read More

Fred Barnes: " -- which hates the war, hates the military, hates America -- endorsed Obama"
Weekly Standard executive editor Fred Barnes stated on Fox News' The Beltway Boys that " -- which hates the war, hates the military, hates America -- endorsed [Sen. Barack] Obama [D-IL]." Media Matters for America has documented numerous media attacks on Read More

By falsely accusing Clinton of playing the "race card," Wash. Post columnist Meyerson himself fueled "race card" politics he calls "despicabl[e]"
In a blog post on the American Prospect website, Washington Post columnist Harold Meyerson falsely accused Sen. Hillary Clinton of playing the "race card." Meyerson described a phone call a friend in Los Angeles had received in which a "gentleman with a very exaggerated, old style -- Amos 'n Andy, in fact -- black pattern of speech ... sing[s] the praises of Barack Obama." Without any evidence to support his accusation or any indication that he had attempted to contact the Clinton campaign, Meyerson pronounced the phone call "a Clinton ploy against Obama." Read More

Disregarding McCain's reversal on issue, Newsweek's Thomas touted McCain's refusal "to soften his stance[] on immigration"
In a Newsweek cover story, assistant managing editor Evan Thomas wrote of Sen. John McCain: "[W]hen some of his advisers tried to get him to soften his stances on immigration and Iraq, he snapped, 'Don't try to change my mind.' ... It was a characteristically principled stand." In fact, McCain has reversed himself on a key immigration issue. Read More

Wash. Post glossed over McCain's deception on lack of "economic expertise" comment
A Washington Post article noted Sen. John McCain's response to a question about his "economic expertise" on NBC's Meet the Press, but failed to report that McCain's response came while acknowledging that he had wrongly suggested in a Republican presidential debate days earlier that he had not said "I know a lot less about economics than I do about military and foreign policy issues." Read More

Radio host Mark Williams: "I have yet to meet anybody who likes" Sen. Clinton during his time in upstate New York
On Fox News Live, radio host Mark Williams claimed, "I've been in upstate New York in the Albany area for the last couple of weeks, and I have yet to meet anybody who likes" Sen. Hillary Clinton. However, two recent polls of likely New York state Democratic primary voters show that a majority of respondents from the upstate region said they will support Clinton in the February 5 Democratic primary. Read More

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