Saturday, February 02, 2008

Media Matters Daily Summary 02-02-08

NY Times again reported Bill Clinton accused of "racial[]" remarks without noting denial by campaign, others
The New York Times' Mark Leibovich wrote that "supporters" of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign "were accused of racially tinged attacks and innuendo against" Sen. Barack Obama. But Leibovich neither identified the "racially tinged attacks and innuendo" that he said Bill Clinton and other supporters have been accused of making nor noted that her campaign has vigorously disputed such accusations. Read More

IBD editorial falsely claimed Clinton said that "we must slow the economy to save the earth"
An Investors' Business Daily editorial falsely asserted that "Bill Clinton says we must slow the economy to save the earth." In fact, Clinton said in the January 30 speech to which the editorial referred that "rich" countries could take that approach, but then he stated why he thought it wouldn't work and asserted that the "only way" to fight global warming is to prove that doing so "is good economics." Read More

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