Friday, February 01, 2008

Media Matters Daily Summary 02-01-08

CNN's Yellin to Dem debate moderator Blitzer: "It looks like you're going to have to be the grownup"
During the January 31 edition of CNN's The Situation Room, discussing former Sen. John Edwards' (D-NC) announcement that he is suspending his Democratic presidential campaign and the then-upcoming debate between the remaining candidates, Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton (NY) and Barack Obama (IL), CNN Capitol Hill correspondent Jessica Yellin remarked to host Wolf Blitzer, the debate's moderator: "[W]ith John Edwards out, it's a brand new dynamic. That means that the so-called 'grownup' in the race is gone. It looks like you're going to have to be the grownup that'll keep these two from going at each other all night." Blitzer replied: "I don't know if I'll be ... necessarily the grownup -- but we want this to be a debate." Read More

Carlson falsely claimed Giustra allowed Clinton personally to "get rich"
Discussing a New York Times article reporting on a trip by former President Bill Clinton to Kazakhstan with Canadian mining financier Frank Giustra, Tucker Carlson stated: "Bill Clinton, the former president, out there, contravening official American foreign policy on behalf of some anti-democratic dictator so his buddy can get rich and he can get rich as a result? It's like unbelievable." In fact, The New York Times did not report that Clinton received money from Giustra for himself; rather, Giustra donated money to Clinton's foundation. Read More

Roll Call article baselessly suggested CREW "attack[s]" motivated by donor interests
In a January 29 Roll Call article about Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), Paul Singer suggested that the organization's watchdog activities are motivated by the political objectives of its donors. But two of the donations Singer highlighted came well after CREW's initial actions, and Singer offered no evidence that CREW's actions were motivated by the interests of its donors. Read More

Scarborough: Because of Media Matters, "we decided to call [Giuliani] 'America's Mayor' about 48 times"
Joe Scarborough stated on the February 1 edition of MSNBC's Morning Joe: "Media Matters actually gets very agitated when we call [former New York City Mayor] Rudy Giuliani 'America's Mayor.' In fact, they did a whole post on us calling Rudy 'America's Mayor,' so we decided to call him 'America's Mayor' about 48 times." Read More

NRO's Williamson blasted "the hysterical ninnies over at Media Matters"
National Review Online blogger Kevin D. Williamson called Media Matters "hysterical ninnies" over a column by Media Matters' Eric Boehlert that predicted "a very rough 2008" for Fox News. Read More

Attacking Edwards, O'Reilly baselessly suggested New Orleans homeless encampment doesn't exist
Fox News' Bill O'Reilly baselessly suggested that a homeless encampment under an overpass in New Orleans that former Sen. John Edwards mentioned in a speech did not exist, saying, "[W]e called the Edwards campaign and asked where exactly is that bridge so we could help those people. Apparently, they don't know or they wouldn't tell us. The Edwards campaign can't pinpoint the bridge." Numerous media outlets have reported recently on a large encampment of homeless people under an overpass in downtown New Orleans. Read More

WSJ's Strassel falsely claimed McCain drew more NH independents to the GOP primary in 2008
As purported evidence that Sen. John McCain "has the potential to swing critical independents," The Wall Street Journal's Kimberley A. Strassel wrote: "New Hampshire Independents got to choose their primary last month, and the early betting was that they'd flock to the Democrats and Mr. [Barack] Obama. In fact, they made up a greater share of the Republican primary vote than they did in 2000, drawn by Mr. McCain." However, according to exit polling, many more independents voted in the 2008 Democratic New Hampshire primary than Republican primary, many more independents voted for Obama than McCain, and independents represented a larger portion of Republican primary voters in 2000 than in 2008. Read More

Mitchell falsely claimed Clinton "really misstated her vote on the Levin amendment"
NBC's Andrea Mitchell falsely claimed that during the January 31 Democratic presidential debate, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton "really misstated her vote on the Levin amendment" -- referring to an amendment offered by Sen. Carl Levin to the 2002 resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq. In fact, during the debate Clinton acknowledged her vote against the Levin amendment and provided an explanation for her vote that is consistent with the way she explained her position on the day of the vote. Read More

Savage on possibility of Obama nomination: "Think John F. Kennedy Jr. ... and the airplane. Think the Mena airport"
On the January 31 broadcast of The Savage Nation, host Michael Savage asserted, "Look, [Sen. Barack] Obama's [D-IL] not getting the nomination. If he does, I wouldn't -- well, let me just stop right there. Think John F. Kennedy Jr. and the Hyannis -- and the airplane. Think the Mena airport." Read More

Wash. Times left out Obama statements that undermine its claim that "Obama '04 at Odds with Obama '08"
The Washington Times claimed that during his 2004 Senate campaign, Barack Obama "took positions" on health care for undocumented immigrants, mandatory minimum sentences, and single-payer health insurance "that conflict with statements that he has made during his run for the White House." But the Times omitted key parts of Obama's statements on these issues, the inclusion of which would have undermined its characterization of Obama as having changed his positions. Read More

NBC's Mitchell reported on Clinton's NY meeting with Kazakh official, not that he reportedly rejected Kazakh proposal
As evidence that "some of [Bill Clinton's] connections could create ethical and diplomatic conflicts for his wife," Andrea Mitchell reported on Clinton's September 2005 trip to Kazakhstan with Canadian mining financier Frank Giustra, followed by his hosting "the head of Kazakhstan's uranium agency at their Chappaqua [New York] home." But Mitchell didn't report, as stated by The New York Times, that the Kazakh official failed to obtain Clinton's help in "lobby[ing]" in support of Kazakhstan's intention to buy a stake in a U.S. firm. Further, Mitchell reported Giustra's claim that "the uranium deal ... was substantially completed before" he and Bill Clinton "arrived in Kazakhstan without noting that Giustra has reportedly been involved in Kazakh mining deals at least as far back as the mid-1990s. Read More

NY Times reported "various Democratic officials" have accused Bill Clinton of "racial" remarks, but did not report denial by campaign and others
A New York Times article stated that Bill Clinton "thrust himself into his wife's campaign ... with remarks that various Democratic officials have labeled racial and divisive." But the article didn't identify any remarks that were purportedly "racial," nor did it note that Hillary Clinton's campaign has vigorously disputed the accusation that Bill Clinton made "racial" comments. Read More

Boortz: "[P]rimary blame" for Katrina goes to "worthless parasites who lived in New Orleans"
On his nationally syndicated radio show, Neal Boortz made disparaging remarks about Hurricane Katrina victims, stating, "When these Katrina so-called refugees were scattered about the country, it was just a glorified episode of putting out the garbage." Boortz also described New Orleans as "a city of parasites, a city of people who could not and had no desire to fend for themselves." Read More

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