Thursday, February 28, 2008

McCain Unpatriotic Refuses to Wear a U.S. Flag Pin

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Wear the Pin, F*CKING COMMIE!!!

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  1. Gimme a break.
    Wearing a "pin" is cheap and meaningless without the actions behind it.

    This man fought for his country and has always stood for what was best for America. Look at Obama's own wife...she openly admitted to hating America.

    Please people....why can't we as a people finally stop paying attention to all the cheap circus tricks and pay attention to what's really important in life.

  2. Maybe the reason he won't wear the F*CKING pin is because it says "MADE IN CHINA" on it.

    No true American should wear/buy/fly an American flag that says MADE IN CHINA.
    It's a disgrace to America and the flag
