Monday, February 04, 2008

Limbaugh Goes Britney Spears: Defends Clinton and Obama on Iraq

The New York Sun

On Mr. Limbaugh's program today, he said people should not be rushing to back Mr. McCain over issues of national security. The talk host said America's direction in Iraq would not be substantially different even if Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Obama were elected. "They are not going to surrender the country to Islamic radicalism or the war in Iraq," Mr. Limbaugh said after mentioning the two Democratic senators by name. "They are not going to do that to themselves, despite what their base says."

"The idea that we've only got one person in this whole roster of candidates, either party, who is willing to take on the war on terror is frankly, absurd," Mr. Limbaugh said.

Mr. Limbaugh edged closer to an all-out endorsement of Mitt Romney, saying Mr. Romney is the only candidate in the Republican race right now who can satisfy what many call the so-called three legs of the conservative stool: social, fiscal, and defense conservatives.

The talk host continued to wail on Mr. McCain, repeatedly accusing him of lying and disloyalty. "John McCain has stabbed his own party in the back I can't tell you how many times," Mr. Limbaugh said.......

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