Friday, February 15, 2008 Presents: The $100,000 Larry Sinclair Polygraph Challenge

Alright, Larry Sinclair. We've seen your video saying you had a couple of hot nights with Barack Obama. You "performed oral sex" on him while he smoked crack a few years back in Illinois.

It's a pretty good story but we have to admit that it sounds a bit far-fetched. Please pardon us for being skeptical though Larry, it's just these crazy times we live in.

But we're glad you said you'd be willing to take a polygraph test – we want to pay you to take one. $10,000 to be exact, just for taking the test, regardless of the result. You get the money, we get to make a video of the whole thing and it's a deal.

And Larry, buddy, if you happen to pass the test we'll give you ten times that amount: $100,000. We'll even pay for your airfare and two nights in a hotel.
That's our offer – we've posted it here on the site and make sure you watch your mail Larry; we've already sent you a contract - signed, sealed, (and soon to be) delivered by Federal Express.

A hundred grand from us to you if you're telling the truth or ten grand just for being a good sport if it turns out you're totally full of it. We think that's more than fair. Like you said: America deserves to know. As we say: Either put up or shut up.


Man files Federal Lawsuit against Obama regarding Gay Sex and Drug Use Claims

It wouldn't be a presidential race without a bizarre sex scandal and there may be one heating up for Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama.

Yesterday, a man named Larry Sinclair posted a video to YouTube claiming to have used cocaine and engaged in a sex act with Obama when he was a state legislator in 1999.

In the video, Sinclair claims he and Obama met on two separate occasions, that Obama used crack cocaine and that Sinclair performed oral sex on Obama both evenings.

Later in the day, Sinclair filed suit against Obama and his campaign guru David Axelrod in Minnesota district court for allegedly attempting to abridge Sinclair's right to free speech, and for waging an intimidation campaign against him. The whole thing is completely crazy, but that alone isn't enough to make it problematic for the Senator. According to several political blogs, the Obama team is looking into any connections Sinclair might have with the Clinton campaign.

1 comment:

  1. This Larry Sinclair one-night stand could very well be the end of Barack Obama's presidential candidacy.
