Saturday, February 02, 2008

Huckabee: A Vote for Romney may be a Vote for Hillary


Tulsa, OK- Mike Huckabee, frustrated with the argument brought by his rival Mitt Romney , and some conservative commentators, that a vote for Huckabee would split votes from Romney, and help front runner John McCain, fired back, hitting Romney’s record head on.

”Actually a vote for me is a vote for me. A vote for Mitt Romney may be a vote for Hillary Clinton, because the fact is I’ve got a far more conservative record than Mitt Romney ever dreamed of having,”Huckabee said.” Where people can come up with branding him a conservative is really, I think, tantamount to requiring an extraordinary amount of imagination.” February 2nd, 2008 9:49 AM Eastern Huckabee: A Vote for Romney may be a Vote for Hillary by Fin Gomez Tulsa, OK-

Mike Huckabee, frustrated with the argument brought by his rival Mitt Romney , and some conservative commentators, that a vote for Huckabee would split votes from Romney, and help front runner John McCain, fired back, hitting Romney’s record head on.

”Actually a vote for me is a vote for me. A vote for Mitt Romney may be a vote for Hillary Clinton, because the fact is I’ve got a far more conservative record than Mitt Romney ever dreamed of having,”Huckabee said.” Where people can come up with branding him a conservative is really, I think, tantamount to requiring an extraordinary amount of imagination.”

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