Friday, February 22, 2008

Friday's Sex News 02-22-08

  • Victorians blamed for fetish woes

    Sexual fetishes are not to everyone's liking, and are not always understood. Perhaps we can blame the prudish Victorians

  • By husband's artificial vagina

    Advice is given to a woman who's husband has bought an artificial vagina, and wonders if he is loosing interest in her

  • Wannabe porn stars not always "write"

    The Naughty American receives many requests from would-be porn stars, but you may need to write as well as you intend to perform

  • Catholic stand-up sex controversy

    Nanni Moretti's Italian film, Caos calmo (Quiet Chaos), has been described by the church as "vulgar and destructive", includes a couple who have sex standing up [More]

  • Sex can be a headache

    46% of respondents in poll conducted by The National Headache Foundation found they developed a headache from having sex [More]

  • Are gay relationships worse than straight?

    Time magazine looks at gay relationships, the author suggesting that gay men may be worse at maintaining them

  • Get your naughty horoscope!

    In the week of a lunar eclipse, the Naughty American looks to the stars, and looks at what's in store for everyone from Aries to Pisces

  • Candida Royalle in person

    The Gazette interviews porn star and director, Candida Royalle, to find out her views on filmmaking, feminism and censorship

  • Meet the bedroom empowerer

    Patty Brisben runs Pure Romance, a company which empowers women in the bedroom through in-home parties

  • Texas repeals sex toy ban

    The US state of Texas has repealed a 2004 ban on sex toys allegedly due to obscenity, on the grounds that it violated the right to privacy

  • A middle-aged mother's sexual adventures

    Suzanne Portnoy's books describe the sex life of a now-single woman, who calls herself a polyamorist, and has up to half a dozen boyfriends on the go.

  • Youngest virgins getting old

    Despite the younger generation being more accepting of sex and porn, the average age at which they loose their virginity is rising

  • Yale Sex Week ends

    The biannual Yale Sex Week ends today, an interdisciplinary sex education program where the aim is to get students talking [Web site]

  • Sex on the brain launches its annual sex edition, where the focus of attention is sex

  • University porn stash revealed

    Decades of rumour over Cambridge University Library's porn stash have been revealed to contain book no racier than The Lover's Guide to Courtship (Illustrated), and A Golden Guide To Matrimony (1882).

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