Saturday, February 23, 2008

Fall Guy Barack Obama Ushered Into Presidency

by Hillary Lewinsky

USA - Barack Obama is being groomed to be the first black President of the United States of America. He is being instated to take the fall for George W Bush's disastrous tenure as President.

Barack Obama is set to be the first black (African American) President of the United States of America and 'fall guy' for the many years of destruction committed by George W Bush and his cronies on the US Constitution, economy, US world standing and internal affairs.

"George W Bush has ruined America and his perpetual wars of terror on the rest of the world have caused irreparable damage that may never be fixed - that's why we're bringing in this boy Obama to take the fall," a representative from the Pentagon told the Daily Squib on Friday.

The American people who have large daily doses of intense fear pumped into their homes constantly via the Fox News Network of Terror and other government controlled media outlets are all backing Obama 110%........ 8-)

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