Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Stunner! God Not a Republican

Citizen Lobbyist

Just in time for the Iowa caucuses, a new study shows that God isn’t actually a Republican. The study, released today in front of the headquarters of The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, God’s chosen lobbyists in Washington, DC, is sure to roil the Republican presidential race.

Among the field of candidates, a former Arkansas governor, Republican Mike Huckabee, has made his relationship with God a reason Iowans should vote for him in his quest for the highest political office in the United States. Enough Iowans have determined that Gov. Huckabee’s relationship with God qualifies him for higher office that he leads in the Iowa polls, even though, as the study notes, God is pretty clear on the point that only He can look into a man’s heart.

The study’s findings may cause Huckabee’s Republican supporters to reevaluate their support, say experts. While an endorsement from God carries a lot of weight with about a quarter of Iowa’s Republican voters, that was when it was assumed He is a Republican.

The polls findings shouldn’t be taken to suggest God is a Democrat, however, cautions the study’s chief author, theology professor Faith de Nos Padres. “God isn’t partisan in the least,” she said at the press conference announcing the study. “In fact,” she said, in what may be the study’s most important finding, “God doesn’t even care who the president of the United States is, let alone what party he or she may belong to. He also doesn’t care who the president of Russia is,” she continued, ” or the prime ministers of Britain or Israel or Iraq, for that matter.”.......

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