Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Some question Romney 'victory' (Wyoming)

CHEYENNE -- The results of Republican nonbinding straw polls in some Wyoming counties Saturday don't jibe with the statewide delegate selection results in favor of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

In Johnson County, for example, former U.S. Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee came in first in the straw poll, while Romney was in fourth place.

Johnson County Republican precinct voters chose as an alternate delegate Bob Snowdon, who is uncommitted and was the only person nominated to attend the national GOP convention, said Jerry Eastwood, chairman of the Johnson County Republican Party.

Johnson County Republicans who contacted the Star-Tribune Monday, including Ruth Osborn of Buffalo, questioned why statewide straw poll results had not been publicized.

Osborn, a state GOP committeewoman, said in a telephone interview Monday that people were asking why the national news media were reporting Wyoming voted for Romney when her county's straw poll gave him fourth place.........

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