Sunday, January 06, 2008

Republican Rivals Go After One Another

PORTSMOUTH, N.H.After being pounded at the Republican debate on Saturday, Mitt Romney struck back hard on Sunday against Senator John McCain of Arizona and Mike Huckabee on multiple fronts, including illegal immigration, taxes and the qualifications for the presidency.

The exchanges, especially between Mr. Romney and Mr. Huckabee, on Sunday in a televised candidate forum from Manchester were some of the most testy and angry of the Republican campaign to date. After months of previous arguments among the same cast of candidates, however, no new accusations or issues emerged.

But Mr. Romney, perhaps still smarting from the Saturday debate, gave as good as he got.

Challenged by the Fox News commentator Chris Wallace about raising fees while governor of Massachusetts, Mr. Romney seized the opportunity to attack Mr. McCain for voting against President Bush’s tax cuts.

“Senator McCain was one of two Republicans who voted against the Bush tax cuts,” Mr. Romney said, reiterating a line of attack he has used against Mr. McCain over the last few weeks in New Hampshire, where fiscal issues are paramount.

Mr. McCain shot back that he had spent years crusading against wasteful Congressional earmarks.

“Ask Jack Abramoff, who’s in prison today, a guy who was a corrupt lobbyist and his friends, if I haven’t cut spending,” Mr. McCain said. “I think it was the reason why I wasn’t elected Miss Congeniality in the United States Senate.......

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