Sunday, January 27, 2008

NY Times' Rich misrepresented Russert's misleading archives question

In his January 27 New York Times column -- headlined "The Billary Road to a Republican Victory" -- Frank Rich mischaracterized NBC News Washington bureau chief Tim Russert's question to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) during the October 30 Democratic presidential debate regarding a 2002 letter written by former President Bill Clinton to the National Archives and Records Administration. Rich wrote: "Even by the glacial processing standards of the National Archives, the Clintons' White House papers have emerged slowly, in part because Bill Clinton exercised his right to insist that all communications between him and his wife be 'considered for withholding' until 2012." Rich continued: "When Mrs. Clinton was asked by Mr. Russert at an October debate if she would lift that restriction, she again escaped by passing the buck to her husband: 'Well, that's not my decision to make.' " In fact, Russert did not ask Sen. Clinton about Bill Clinton's request that "all communications between him and his wife be 'considered for withholding' until 2012.".........


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