Monday, January 07, 2008

NY Post column: Obama "is like a woman," Clinton "has long been accused of androgyny," Edwards is "a cute 8-year-old boy"

In a January 7 New York Post column titled "Bam: Our 1st Woman Prez?" former London Times staffer Lucy Berrington and poet/playwright Jeff Onore claimed that Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) "is like a woman: slim, good looking, with long elegant fingers, appealingly dressed -- all terms more typically ascribed to female candidates," adding: "He embodies many of the positive characteristics we tend to regard as feminine: sensitive and empathetic, seeking to find common ground and minimize conflict, not taking power for granted."

After noting that former President Bill Clinton "was famously dubbed America's first black president," Berrington and Onore wrote: "By the end of this year we might indeed have our first woman president -- but not necessarily Hillary." Regarding Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY), Berrington and Onore claimed that she "has long been accused of androgyny -- trying to sound like a man, flexing her rhetorical muscle." Regarding former Sen. John Edwards (D-NC), Berrington and Onore wrote that his "appeal to female voters is more as a cute 8-year-old boy."........


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