Saturday, January 26, 2008

Media Matters Daily Summary 01-26-08

Craig Crawford: "[T]he evidence-free bias against the Clintons in the media borders on mental illness"
On Morning Joe, Craig Crawford stated: "I really think the evidence-free bias against the Clintons in the media borders on mental illness." Crawford went on to assert, "I mean, we've gotten into a situation where if you try to be fair to the Clintons, if you try to be objective, if you try to say, 'Well, where's the evidence of racism in the Clinton campaign?' you're accused of being a naïve shill for the Clintons." He later added: "I really think it's a problem." Read More

Time's Gibbs repeated falsehood that Bill Clinton referred to Obama's candidacy as a "fairy tale"
In a Time article, Nancy Gibbs wrote that Bill Clinton "hacked away at the 'fairy tale' that is [Barack] Obama's candidacy." In fact, Clinton did not refer to Obama or his campaign as a "fairy tale"; rather, as New York Times reporter Mark Leibovich wrote, Clinton "was referring specifically to the perception that Mr. Obama was totally pure in his opposition to the Iraq war." Read More

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