Tuesday, January 08, 2008

FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds 'Names' Names


21 Photos Placed Onto a 'States Secrets Privilege Gallery' Page at the 'Gagged' Former Translator's Website, Said to Identify the High-Ranking 'Guilty People in Her Case'
...And 'Everybody Knows'...

Sibel Edmonds is now naming names. 21 of them.

Or rather, just 21 photographs. On a page. Without comment. At her JustACitizen.com website. The page is simply titled "Sibel Edmonds’ State Secrets Privilege Gallery". (Screenshot at right.)

Surely there's nothing violative about that, right? Rogues gallery though it may be.

Sibel maven, Luke Ryland, has done us the favor of putting names to the faces, adding that "we can reasonably presume that they are the 21 guilty people in her case."

Here are those names, sectioned into three groups, as Edmonds has grouped the photos in her own "Gallery":

Current and former Pentagon and State Department officials...

  • Richard Perle

  • Douglas Feith

  • Eric Edelman

  • Marc Grossman

  • Brent Scowcroft

  • Larry Franklin

Current and former congressmen...

  • Dennis Hastert (R-IL), Ex-House Speaker

  • Roy Blount (R-MO)

  • Dan Burton (R-IN)

  • Tom Lantos (D-CA)

  • ? (Photo simply a box with question mark in it)

  • Bob Livingston (R-LA), Ex-House Speaker

  • Stephen Solarz (D-NY)

The 3rd group includes people who all appear to work at think tanks - primarily WINEP, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy


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