Sunday, January 06, 2008

During NH debate, co-moderator Spradling "revved up the Republican attack machine" on Obama

During the January 5 ABC News-Facebook Republican presidential debate, Scott Spradling, a news anchor for Manchester, New Hampshire-based television station WMUR, asked each of the Republican presidential candidates, "[W]hy not vote for [Sen.] Barack Obama [IL]" if he were the Democratic presidential nominee.

But while Spradling invited the Republican candidates to openly criticize a Democratic candidate, neither he nor debate moderator Charlie Gibson offered a similar opportunity to the Democratic candidates. Indeed, rather than ask such a question, during the Democratic debate later that evening, Spradling asked Obama to respond "to what the Republican candidates for president laid out in arguments for you not being elected president." Spradling added, "I revved up the Republican attack machine. Please respond."

Further, in answering Spradling's question, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney falsely asserted that Obama "wants the government to take over health care." Spradling had asked Romney for "specifics" on why voters should not choose Obama over him: .......

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