Thursday, January 24, 2008

Bush: Bin Laden Will Be ‘Gotten By A President’ (But Probably Not This One)


It has been 2,326 days since 9/11, and the chief mastermind behind those attacks, Osama bin Laden, has not yet been captured. “If we could find the cave he is in, I promise you — he would be brought to justice or wherever he’s hiding,” President Bush tells Fox News in “George W. Bush: Fighting to the Finish,” a documentary scheduled to air Sunday night. Fox reports:

Bush says in the interview he’s confident bin Laden ultimately will be found.

“He’ll be gotten by a president,” Bush says.

And to critics who say he hasn’t done enough to find bin Laden, Bush is blunt:

“They don’t know what they’re talking about,” he says.

If bin Laden is indeed “gotten,” it looks increasingly like it will happen on another President’s watch. Bush himself has said openly that bin Laden is not a major priority for him.............

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