Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The White House’s war on NYT


Today, the New York Times reports that at least four legal staffers in the White House participated in discussions about whether to destroy the CIA tapes. The Hill reports:

The White House on Wednesday took the rare step of publicly asking The New York Times to change the sub-headline of a story on the destruction of CIA tapes showing the interrogations of suspected terrorists.

At issue is the story’s sub-headline that stated: “White House Role Was Wider Than It Said.” The White House called this sub-headline inaccurate and demanded that it be corrected.

The Corner has the White House press release. The White House’s main complaint appears to be that they never explicitly said their role was limited. “We have not described — neither to highlight, nor to minimize — the role or deliberations of White House officials in this matter,” the release states, seemingly conceding that more White House staffers could be involved.

UPDATE: In today’s White House Press Briefing, Dana Perino said the New York Times plans to “correct” its subheadline.

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