Tuesday, December 25, 2007

ThinkProgress Year In Review: The 10 Most Popular Posts Of 2007

ThinkProgress wishes everyone a Merry Christmas. Thank you for visiting and reading our site this year.

Here’s a review of our top 10 most popular posts (as measured by inbound traffic) over the past year:

10) Right Wing Launches Baseless Smear Campaign Against 12 Year Old Recipient Of SCHIP [Link]

9) Fox News Anchor Calls Ted Kennedy A ‘Hostile Enemy Right Here On The Home Front’ [Link]

8) Obama Smeared As Former ‘Madrassa’ Student, Possible Covert Muslim Extremist [Link]

7) Gonzales Contradicts Prior Statements, Confirms Existence Of Other Spying Programs [Link]

6) Report: In Meeting, ‘Wild-Eyed’ Bush Thumped Chest While Repeating ‘I Am The President!’ [Link]

5) McCain Strolls Through Baghdad Market, Accompanied By 100 Soldiers, 3 Blackhawks, 2 Apache Gunships [Link]

4) Photos: The $592 Million U.S. Embassy In Iraq [Link]

3) Fox News Sinks To New Low, Repeatedly Reports Parody Story As Actual News [Link]

2) Report: The Right Wing Domination Of Talk Radio And How To End It [Link]

1) Coulter: I Would Talk About Edwards But “You Have To Go Into Rehab If You Use The Word ‘Faggot’” [Link]

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