Monday, December 17, 2007

Russia test-fires intercontinental missile

Reuters - Russia successfully conducted a test launch on Monday of a new intercontinental ballistic missile, the navy said.

A statement said the missile was launched from the Tula nuclear powered submarine in the Barents Sea in the Arctic and hit a designated area in the Kura testing ground on the Kamchatka Peninsula on Russia's Pacific coast.

"The launch was conducted from an underwater position as a part of training to test the readiness of the marine strategic nuclear forces," the statement said.

A navy spokesman would not say what type of missile was tested. Itar-Tass news agency said the Tula submarine carried Sineva missiles commissioned by a decree from President Vladimir Putin in July.

Missile tests have become regular occurrences in the Russian armed forces in the past few years. They are viewed by Russia's political and military leadership as evidence that they are reviving the country's military might.

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