Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Rudy Giuliani Hospitalized in St. Louis

ST. LOUIS, MO -- Late Wednesday night, former New York governor and Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani went to Barnes-Jewish hospital after feeling ill.

Giuliani had traveled across Missouri Wednesday by car after mechanical problems on his aircraft left him without a plane for his stumping.

The statement from the Giuliani campaign reads:

"ST. LOUIS - Rudy Giuliani Communications Director Katie Levinson released the following statement this morning:

Earlier today, Mayor Giuliani experienced flu-like symptoms campaigning in Missouri. The symptoms worsened as the day wore on and shortly after taking off from Chesterfield, Missouri for New York the Mayor became uncomfortable enough that our plane returned to the airport in Chesterfield. To be on the safe side, the Mayor consulted with his personal physician in New York and made the decision to go to the Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis for routine tests.

"The Mayor will spend the night in St. Louis and we will provide another update in the morning."

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