Sunday, December 16, 2007

New KBR employee tells of rampant sexual harassment


Earlier this week, former Halliburton/KBR employee Jamie Leigh Jones revealed that in 2005 she had been “raped by multiple men at a KBR camp” in Baghdad. This past Friday on Houston’s CBS affiliate KHOU, former KBR employee Linda Lindsey said that, while she didn’t know Jones, the allegations of sexual harassment aren’t surprising:

“If you wanted to get a promotion you didn’t necessarily have to have the qualifications,” remembered Lindsey, a former KBR contractor. “You just needed to be sleeping with the person who was doing the hiring.” […]

In a sworn affidavit for the Jones case, Lindsey said: “I saw rampant sexual harassment and discrimination.” […]

Her affidavit also said: “When anyone would report an incident of abuse or harassment, they would be threatened with a transfer to a more dangerous location.”

Watch it:

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