Monday, December 10, 2007

McConnell Spits on War Dead; Kentucky Vet Responds

Jon Soltz

So, Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader, says of those who died in Iraq, we shouldn't feel too bad, because, "Remember, these are not draftees, these are full-time professional soldiers."

Oh, that makes us all feel better. I think Andrew Horne puts it best, though. Horne, who has posted on here, and served with the Marines in Iraq, released the following:

"I would say that Mitch McConnell owes every member of our service and the families of the fallen an apology, but no apology from him can take back the venom he has spewed at our troops, this time. For anyone to believe that casualties of war are somehow more acceptable because they were not draftees is disgusting. For the Republican leader in the United States Senate to say that is beyond repugnant."

"This is just Mitch McConnell once again demonstrating that he has no idea of - and has no interest in learning - what our troops have sacrificed. Whether it is filibustering a bill that would give proper time at home for our overextended troops, or voting against increased funds to take care of veterans who have come home, Mitch McConnell has shown nothing more than complete ignorance about our military and those who serve our nation in it."

"To my fellow service members and veterans, let me apologize on behalf of Kentucky for Senator McConnell's putrid comments. He most certainly does not represent our views, nor the high regard in which we hold you and your families."

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